Installing a chimney liner or stove
Date Posted: 16 November 2016Installing a chimney, flue liner, stove or any other heating appliance
Are there any regulations when installing a chimney liner or stove?
Work affecting an existing chimney (including installation of a stove, new fireplace or flue liner) is considered to be building work and is covered by Building Regulations. This also includes creating a new chimney.
In England and Wales all installations in the above criteria must comply with the 2010 Edition of Approved Document J of the Building Regulations.
What is the regulation for?
In short to keep you, and other people safe! It is a comprehensive document which outlines all the requirements and necessary compliances for the installation of combustion appliances.
Ok, so if I install a stove it has to meet Building Regulations…does that mean I need to employ a qualified tradesman, or could I do it myself?
In short, yes you could do it yourself. However, you would then need to pay the local council to send a Building Control Officer round to inspect the work on completion and sign it off. Typically this might cost in the region of £150-200 and you would need to have made sure you carried out the work exactly as Document J specifies or the work might be failed. Secondly, installing a new stove or fireplace and lining a chimney is not for the faint hearted and we would suggest should not be carried out by anyone who is not sufficiently competent in building work.
If I don’t install the stove myself, who could do it for me competently?
You can have the work done by an installer who is accredited by one of the Competent Persons schemes such as HETAS. HETAS installers can sign off their own work and provide you with a certificate.
Who are HETAS?
HETAS actually stands for Heating Equipment Testing and Approval Scheme. As well as registering and approving competent installers they are also recognised by the Government as the official body to approve solid fuel heat and biomass appliances, fuels and services.
Where would I find a HETAS installer?
At Colt Cowls we have many HETAS registered installers who purchase products from us including Flexiwall™ chimney liner. So you can either call us on 0870 2411041 and we will be happy to provide you with details of a HETAS approved installer local to you or you can consult the HETAS guide.
What else would you advise when thinking about putting in a new chimney or stove?
When undertaking any building work, the temptation is to think about the end result and getting that desired result as quickly and as cheaply as possible. Our advice would be the opposite to this. When installing a new stove or fireplace do your research! If you are going to use an installer find out if they are part of any registered Competent Persons schemes like HETAS. Take your time to get a few quotes, and try to understand the nature of the work involved. As with everything in life there will be opportunities to cut corners and cut costs by buying lower cost inferior chimney cowls and chimney liners. At Colt Cowls, we take a longer term view and our philosophy is to provide value. A high quality product at a competitive price. You do not want to have to replace a chimney liner or chimney cowl after 5 years just for the sake of saving yourself a few quid up front! This is our advice and all we can do is say that we have more experience than most having been involved in chimneys and chimney cowls since 1931